Ilya Gordon's Blog

Photo: Oxana Gordon
Dear Maria,  
you've been dreaming of studying and living in London since 2014 and made great steps toward this great aim. Your obsession with this idea was one of the strongest motivations for me and your Mom in reaching financial results, that would let it happen. 
But you yourself couldn’t and didn’t know HOW EXACTLY this would happen, right? Had NO idea. You only WANTED it very much and MADE STEPS towards your Aim. The rest happened “by itself”.
It’s almost the same with Business and “making money” 💰, but you‘ll have to take into consideration one very important trick:
You can’t reach financial success, if you keep dreaming ONLY of “having much money” 💰
Money 💰 is NOT THE AIM. 
Money 💰 is an INSTRUMENT of reaching various Aims. 
People often reach nothing, because they:
1) mix up these two things;  
2) they don’t know what exactly they want from Life.
Once again: "Wanting Money" 💰 is a Wrong Aim!
It’s like wanting to have luxury holidays in Maldives 🌴, thinking all the time of a Plane ✈that brings you there as the most important thing. But the real Aim is a Luxury Resort, not the Plane! 
So, recognize first what your real Aims are (the List of Aims is a correctable thing, it can and even should be changed as you yourself change in the course of Life).
These Aims could be for example:
1. Having Power and Influence over people;
2. Being (comparatively) independent and free;
3. Being able to afford yorself (long-term) renting a wonderful Apartment in one of the top locations of London;
4. Being able to afford yourself clothes 👗, shoes 👠, accessories of top brands...
5. Being able to afford yourself going to fancy Restaurants as often as you want;
6. Being able to travel around the World, affording yourself flying Business & 1st Class and staying at Luxury Hotels & Resorts; 
7. Being able to afford yourself high-class mobility like Uber Lux no matter how far and how often you ride;
8. Being able to afford yourself buying a House 🏡;
9. Being able to afford yourself buying a private Jet (Please, don't!) ✈️;
10. Being able to afford yourself buying a Yacht (Please, don't!);
11. Being able to make Life of those who you love nicer and easier;
12. Being able to help your Family, School, University, Community, people in need, etc.;
13. Being able to help the World 🌎
Make your own List of Aims - things that YOU (not the crowd, not us - your parents, not anyone else instead of you) REALLY WANT.
Print it out. 
Hang it on the most visible place in your room.
Look at it all the time.
Visualize the positions from this List of Aims all the time, every free minute.
Lying in bed 🛌 in your Students Accomodation Centre, imagine yourself lying in bed in a wonderful apartment in South Kensington or Knightsbridge. Not that you will be living there, no! Imagine that YOU ARE there right now. 
Imagine yourself wearing a Diamond set of Tiffany, Cartier, Van Cleef, whatever you consider cool. Not that you will be wearing them in the future, no! Imagine them NOW being on your fingers, wrist, neck!
Imagine yourself being again at the best 5* Luxury Resort at Maldives - there are lots of wonderful places like LUX*, where we spent 2 fantastic weeks in April & May 2018, celebrating the 20th Anniversary of mine & Mom's Wedding. Find them on the Internet and imagine them as if you are already there!
All the time. 
And make steps towards it. 
Small steps every day.
Start with reading 1 article a day - a Story of Success of women in Business. 
Oprah Winfrey, Tory Birch, creator of Spanx, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Joanne K. Rowling, etc.
Sources like FORBES or INC.
Find in each Story something that suits personally you.
Stay inside the Topic, invest your time and thoughts in it.
I don’t know how this shit works, but it works!
Dreams come true only if you are constantly on the way towards them.
It’s just a matter of Time, Efforts and a Lucky Chance.
The third one is often the most important.
Luck is only for those who are PREPARED.
Those who are not, will never recognize that it was their Lucky Chance. 
Be the one who will ☝


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